Making "need to know'' part of our being means getting into the habit of never volunteering information. EXAMPLE: A sister doing maintenance work at an office building is mopping the floor of one of the offices. An employee of the firm approaches the office, stops at the door upon seeing the wet floor, and asks, "Is that wax?" The sister says, "You can walk on it." Now, if you ask this sister why she didn't say "Yes," it was wax, or "No," it wasn't: "Well, in the first place," she'll say, with the air of a worker-teacher, instructing a cadre-pupil, "I told him just what he needed to know. He seemed to need to know if he could walk on the floor. But then, too, he might have wanted to know if i was waxing it-which they say i 'm to do three times a week, but i don't. So, he left, without finding out from me, whether it was wax or not. And, if tomorrow or next year, i have to say what it was, i can say whatever i like, or whatever i need to say. Yep, i make a habit outta tellin' 'em just what they need to know, and no more."